This grand structure sits in downtown Granby bearing above its entrance the date of its construction ‘1901’ and the symbol of the Masons. The two-story building’s second story was...
This grand structure sits in downtown Granby bearing above its entrance the date of its construction ‘1901’ and the symbol of the Masons. The two-story building’s second story was...
If you know more about the Red Oak ll Jail please reach out to us at!
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If you know anything about the Goodman Jail please reach out to us at!
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Traveling along a bendy highway, lucious trees on one side, a wide river on the other. As you pass by a small opening in the foliage to reveal atop a grassy hill a lone stone building. The roof has...
The Wheaton Jail is an amazingly preserved example of a single cell jail from the early 1900s. These small jails were typically made of concrete, built to last decades and deter the most rambunctious...
The Schell City Jail sits on the edge of town, lonely, neglected and forgotten about. With little history documented online, it seems this chapter of Schell City’s history has been shut for...
The Sumner Jail was dedicated in June 1906 with the first inmate being Frank Pearson, a horse tamer. The new concrete fireproof structure was to replace the previous calaboose which was set on fire...
The Triplett Jail’s history is elusive, unfortunately, this is the case with many of the tiny jails left in the Midwest. Having documented hundreds of these jails throughout Oklahoma, Kansas...
While the Dalton Jail may look small to someone who has never seen a calaboose, it is actually on the larger scale of ones documented by us. The sign above the door to the jail says the calaboose was...
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